Sunday, February 5, 2012

1911 Corset - First 'Snag'

Somewhere in all my moves since undergrad, I've either lost or misplaced the final pattern for the corset...on the plus side, I still have the mock-up. I did a quick re-fitting of the mock-up, now I have to use my ponce wheel (the spiky brother of the tracing wheel) and transfer the pattern back on to paper so I can proceed into the coutil.

Here's the mock-up from the front:
Sans boning, part of why it's super wrinkled, but you get the general idea. The front is stitched for the mock-up to ensure that it stays straight - in the real corset, this will have a straight busk and remain open below the pelvis.
I tried taking a side/back shot, but ran into some trouble with that...
The adorable face of trouble.
Also, after further thinking, I'm going to keep the coutil white and add some blue perle cotton embroidery and flossing with maybe some blue ribbon details.

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